How can I book an appointment?
Appointments are made via your eye care practitioner

To obtain an appointment at the Low Vision Clinic, your health professional will need to include an up-to-date eye report from your ophthamologist or optometrist with their referral. This enables our Low Vision Practitioners to know about the health of your eyes.
You will need to allow 1.5 hours for a full low vision assessment or 45 minutes for a magnification assessment. It is a good idea to come to the Clinic with a support person who can stay with you during your appointment.
If you have any concerns about your visit, please ring and ask our receptionist.
Click here to view our location and contact details
You will need to allow 1.5 hours for a full low vision assessment or 45 minutes for a magnification assessment. It is a good idea to come to the Clinic with a support person who can stay with you during your appointment.
If you have any concerns about your visit, please ring and ask our receptionist.
Click here to view our location and contact details