Low Vision Clinic – New Zealand
Note. The clinic is open by appointment only.
Operating hours:
Monday-Tuesday 8.30am – 4.30pm
Thursday 12.30pm – 4.30pm
Or by prior arrangement.
Located at the Outpatients Department, Level One, Burwood Hospital.
Come to the Burwood Hospital Main Entrance, Gate 1, Burwood Road.
There is ample parking and close parking for cars displaying a ‘Mobility’ sign.
There is full wheelchair access – wheelchairs are available from just inside the main entrance and a lift is available to the first floor.
Bus service: Orange line buses now stop on the Burwood Hospital site, not far from the main entrance, and bus number 135 will stop here by request.
Where to find us

The Lighthouse Vision Trust
Outpatients Level 1 - Burwood Hospital
Phone (03) 337 7700